Orbit Size Around Sun (semi-major axis)
Metric: 108,209,475 km
English: 67,238,251 miles
Scientific Notation: 1.0820948 x 108
km (7.2333566 x 10-1 A.U.)
By Comparison: 0.723 x Earth
Metric: 107,476,170 km
English: 66,782,596 miles
Scientific Notation: 1.07476 x 108 km
(7.184 x 10-1 A.U.)
By Comparison: 0.731 x Earth
Metric: 108,942,780 km
English: 67,693,905 miles
Scientific Notation: 1.08943 x 108 km
(0.7282 A.U.)
By Comparison: 0.716 x Earth
Sidereal Orbit Period (Length of Year)
0.61519726 Earth years
224.70 Earth days
By Comparison: 0.615 x Earth
Metric: 679,892,378 km
English: 422,465,538 miles
Scientific Notation: 6.799 x 108 km
By Comparison: 0.723 x Earth
Metric: 126,074 km/h
English: 78,339 mph
Scientific Notation: 3.5020 x 104 m/s
By Comparison: 1.176 x Earth
By Comparison: 0.406 x Earth
Equatorial Inclination to Orbit
177.3 degrees (retrograde rotation)
By Comparison: 7.56 x Earth
Metric: 6,051.8 km
English: 3,760.4 miles
Scientific Notation: 6.0518 x 103 km
By Comparison: 0.9499 x Earth
Metric: 38,024.6 km
English: 23,627.4 miles
Scientific Notation: 3.80246 x 104 km
By Comparison: 0.9499 x Earth's
Metric: 928,415,345,893 km3
English: 222,738,686,740 mi3
Scientific Notation: 9.28415 x 1011 km3
By Comparison: 0.857 x Earth's
Metric: 4,867,320,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
Scientific Notation: 4.8673 x 1024 kg
By Comparison: 0.815 x Earth
Metric: 5.243 g/cm3
By Comparison: Comparable to the average density
of the Earth.
Metric: 460,234,317 km2
English: 177,697,463 square miles
Scientific Notation: 4.6023 x 108 km2
By Comparison: 0.902 x Earth
Metric: 8.87 m/s2
English: 29.1 ft/s2
By Comparison: If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth,
you would weigh 91 pounds on Venus.
Metric: 37,296 km/h
English: 23,175 mph
Scientific Notation: 1.036 x 104 m/s
By Comparison: 0.926 x Earth
Sidereal Rotation Period (Length of Day)
-243.018 Earth days (retrograde)
-5832.4 hours (retrograde)
By Comparison: 243.68 x Earth
Minimum/Maximum Surface Temperature
Metric: 462 °C
English: 864 °F
Scientific Notation: 735 K
Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen
Scientific Notation: CO2, N2
By Comparison: Earth's atmosphere consists mostly
of N2 and O2.
CO2 is largely responsible for the Greenhouse
Effect and is used for carbonation in beverages.
N2 is 80% of Earth's air and is a crucial
element in DNA.